Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Problem Based Learning with Care Plan Intervention

Question: Discuss about the Problem Based Learning with Care Plan Intervention. Answer: The psychodynamic psychotherapy is analogous to psychoanalysis that utilizes the therapeutic relationship to procure an insight with the pivotal focus being laid upon revealing the unconscious component and aspect relevant to a clients psychology in an effort to ameliorate the psychic anxiety or tension that might have its root in the childhood. Current concerns and issues are addressed by means of reminiscing the past memories and evidences from early associations (Bentall 2013). Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is found to be effective in regulating and positively modulating the behaviors of individuals who faces difficulty under certain circumstances thereby altering their perceptions and improving the overall approach towards life. Psychological distress and anxiety may thus be alleviated through this therapy whereby the alternative modes of thinking and reasoning are developed eventually to handle the situation pragmatically without resorting to distortion in thinking (Van Bil sen et al. 2015). Reduction in symptom severity is often achieved through adoption of the motivational interviewing based adherence therapy thereby offering mitigation of the rates of re-hospitalization, improvement to medicine compliance and deeper insight into the illness pattern (Chien et al. 2015). Psychopharmacological treatment of schizophrenia has received much attention in which the antipsychotic medications are administered in combination with the psychological treatment facets to attain a holistic resolution to the prevalent debilitating brain disorder condition through dual therapeutic modalities (Leucht et al. 2013). The discharge plan for the patient would focus on anxiety and fear, anger, and sleep disturbances. The patient would be provided with a medication regime that would be for managing sleeping patterns. The patient would be encouraged to engage in recreational activities for mood enhancement and reduction of anxiety and depression. The client is to be referred to a therapist who can guide with cognitive behavioral therapy and is to be referred to the counselor who can provide support for eliminating fear. The client would also be educated to report any difficulties in maintaining a healthy lifestyle (Townsend 2014). References Bentall, R.P. ed., 2013. Reconstructing schizophrenia. Routledge. Chien, W.T., Mui, J.H., Cheung, E.F. and Gray, R., 2015. Effects of motivational interviewing-based adherence therapy for schizophrenia spectrum disorders: a randomized controlled trial. Trials, 16(1), p.270. Leucht, S., Heres, S., Kissling, W. and Davis, J.M., 2013. Pharmacological treatment of schizophrenia. Fortschritte der Neurologie Psychiatrie, 81(05), pp.e1-e13. Matsuda, M. and Kohno, A., 2016. Effects of the nursing psychoeducation program on the acceptance of medication and condition-specific knowledge of patients with schizophrenia. Archives of psychiatric nursing, 30(5), pp.581-586. Sideras, S., McKenzie, G., Noone, J., Dieckmann, N. and Allen, T.L., 2015. Impact of a simulation on nursing students' attitudes toward schizophrenia. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 11(2), pp.134-141. Townsend, M.C., 2014. Psychiatric mental health nursing: Concepts of care in evidence-based practice. FA Davis. Van Bilsen, H., Gretton, M., Jeawock, V. and Clements, K., 2015. Chronic Schizophrenia and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy: Three Case Studies. European Psychiatry, 30, p.1677.

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