Saturday, May 16, 2020

Conflicts Resolution Conflict Resolution - 1827 Words

Running Head: Conflict Resolution 1 CONFLICT RESOLUTION VII Conflict Resolution Delonna Reed ANT101: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology Tracy Samperio September 26, 2016 Abstract Within a neighboring community, compromise and sacrifice are a thing of necessity and need not be considered advantageous. A very good example will that which is displayed among the people of the Hadza and Zapotec cultures which profoundly are different in how go about living their daily life?s but still share a great similarity in how the resolve their conflicts. In the course of this paper, struggle within the two viewpoint culture and community will be discussed. According to Crapo (2013), culture is defined as ?a way of life of any individual or group of individuals.? For the two cultures identified, conflict resolution is not based on language, cultural failure or customs as the have nothing in common in those respect. The overall good of parties involved is the main reason why compromise is reached. According to Durham (1992), ?it is economically important that each culture rely on conflict resolution as opposed to other less productive measures that could lead to a le ss desirous outcome or even risk catastrophic loss.? Just as Crapo (2013) stated, ?Communication is a key element in any society when attempting to resolve conflicts that may arise among its societal members.? In a study of language and evolution among families and communities conducted by Durham (1992),Show MoreRelatedConflict Resolution : Conflicts Resolution988 Words   |  4 PagesWhen it comes to conflict resolution there are several ways to handle this. There’ve been several times that I’ve had to deal with conflict resolution. Conflict resolution also has several tips that you can learn to be able to handle a conflict. A conflict resolution can be handled in a positive way or a negative way. What is conflict resolution? 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